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Embracing Change in 2024

This is the year I learn to let go and embrace change. Letting go isn't easy for me and change isn't either. But as I approach my sixth decade I know letting go is something I better get used to. I need to let go of anything that's holding me down -- self-doubt and fear, I'm looking at you. I also need to learn to adjust to changes I may not be crazy about, but are coming for me anyway.

As I look down the 2024 lane of life I know there are big changes ahead, from children leaving home to new normals I can't anticipate. Below are just a few I'm expecting.

My Children Moving Away

My children are on the cusp of adulthood and preparing for lives of their own. I have no idea where their careers and families will take them and I need to get used to the idea that they may settle far away from home. I hate this. Anticipating an empty nest is scary. In a perfect world my children would be close, but not too close. I want to be a loving and supportive mom of older children, so wherever my children's lives take them I'm going to have to learn to love it and deal with it -- and make it work for all of us.

My Health Changing

I've been lucky to be healthy for most of my life but I know I'm only one doctor's visit away from bad news. My blood pressure decided to spike this year and that's been a crazy and scary situation for me. I need to accept that there will be physical and mental changes ahead. The key is to prevent them as much as possible and prepare myself to deal with them in the best possible way when they do pop up.

My Interests and Passions Changing

Hobbies have always been a big part of my life and that hasn't changed a bit. In fact, I have the complete opposite problem, too many interests and things I want to do. In the past few years I've toyed with blogging, podcasting, watercolors, crochet, and several other hobbies. I'm not sure I'll ever settle on just one thing that captures my interest. I expect I'll continue to add to my long list of pastimes as my work schedule slows down and my family responsibilities begin to wane.

My Marriage Changing

As our children embark on their own lives my husband and I have the opportunity to focus on each other once again. I'm looking forward to this and I'm already making plans for trips and projects we can tackle together. We both doubled down on careers and child rearing for so many years and it's strange to be back in a place where our lives revolve around each other more and more.

Whatever this year decides to bring I hope I'm smart enough to take advantage of possibilities and brave enough to deal with anything that's difficult. I hope the very same for you.

Happy New Year!


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